Get to know your Thyroid

It is the month of January 2023. As I was driving to work on this unusually cold winter morning, I turned on the car radio and was audience to this short talk show on National Thyroid Awareness Month on FM radio. Though I could only get the last 30 seconds of the physician’s interview, it did give me enough material to think about, for the rest of my drive.

Isn’t it amazing how a small butterfly shaped gland that sits in the neck controls so many body systems, so much so that if it does not function properly it can actually result in serious problems! Too little or too much of thyroid hormones, underactive or hyperactive, cancerous or benign nodules –  each has its own set of symptoms and problems!

Thyroid disorders are much more common in women and generally life long! Weight issues generally bring the patient to the doctor apart from other symptoms like anxiety, sleep disturbances and neck swellings to name a few. Lab tests and USG are primary investigations in evaluating thyroid diseases. As Head and Neck Radiologists, we come across HRUS of the thyroid and ultrasound assisted fine needle aspiration biopsy of a thyroid nodule fairly commonly. CT and MRI have a limited role in the initial investigation of a patient presenting with a thyroid nodule and are reserved for cases with locally advanced disease or cancers.

Dr. Varsha Joshi
ISHNR President

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